Prof. Sameh Kantoush

Professor Kantoush is working on real-time monitoring technology to track flash floods, sediment transport, river basin morphology, and environmental changes. His research focuses on understanding the impact of human activities, such as dam construction, irrigation development, deforestation, and sand mining, on river environments and deltas. His laboratory research aims to improve river ecosystems and enhance the resilience of communities near rivers vulnerable to climate and natural impacts. Additionally, Professor Kantoush shares Japan’s knowledge and practices related to hydropower dams, reservoir sedimentation, dam management, flood management, and environmental management. His laboratory has also developed strategies for Wadi flash floods and water harvesting. Ultimately, Professor Kantoush aims to develop innovative integrated river basin management approaches that can be applied to rivers and Wadis worldwide, facing similar challenges.
【Papers, etc.】
Assoc. Prof. Sohei Kobayashi

Mohammed Saber (Specially Appointed Associate Professor)
Nguyen Quang Binh (Researcher)
Ms. Junko Ibaraki (Secretary)
Ms. Hisae Obara (Secretary)
- Ms. Chikako Morimoto (Research Assistant)
Ryota Nakamura (D)
Fahad Alamoudi (D)
Liu Yixuan(D)
AHMED EMARA Ahmed Tarek (D)
Thao Bui Thi Phuong (D)
Asma bouamrane(D)
Ahmed Menna Allah Farag Zaki (D)
Shiwomeh Desmond (D)
Wei Cheng (D)
Sohrabzadehanzani Hossein (D)
Bentir Sarah Alma (D)
Nguyen Phuoc Sinh (D)
- Amirreza Tabataba Vakili (D)
Saif Al Aamri (M)
Hu yanxin (M)
NISHI Kotoe (M)
Tenma Fujii (M)
Lee Meng-Han (M)
Ryoya Furuie (M)
Cai Boyuan (B4)
- Maria Kay Eco (Research student)
- Jerome Gacu (Research student)
- Thandokuhle Sithole (Research student)