Auel C, Kobayashi S, Takemon Y, Sumi T (2017)
Effects of sediment bypass tunnels on grain size distribution and benthic habitats in regulated rivers.
International Journal of River Basin Management (Online), doi.org/10.1080/15715124.2017.1360320, 12 pages
Miyagawa Y, Sumi T, Takemon Y, Kobayashi S (2017)
Effects of sediment replenishment on riverbed material size distribution and attached algal biomass in the downstream reaches of a dam.
Hydrological Research Letters, 11, 114-120
小林草平, 野崎隆夫, 竹門康弘 (2017)
日本生態学会誌 67, 13-29
小林草平, 角哲也, 竹門康弘 (2017)
ドローンとサーモグラフィを組み合わせた 砂州の湧水ポテンシャルの評価
河川技術論文集 23, 621-626
小林草平, 角哲也, 竹門康弘 (2016)
河川技術論文集 22, 463-468
冨阪和秀, 山崎友也, 米田格, 小林草平, 竹門康弘, 角哲也, 堤大三 (2014)
河川技術論文集 20: 43-48
Inaba, S., Nozaki, T., Kobayashi, S. and Tanida, K. (2014)
Discovery of immature stages of Neureclipsis mandjurica (Martynov, 1907) (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) from Japan.
Biogeography 16: 63–70.
小林草平, 大河内勇, 加賀谷隆 (2014)
陸水生物学報 28: 11-20.
Kobayashi, S., Amano, K. Nakanishi, S. (2013)
Riffle topography and water flow support high invertebrate biomass in a gravel-bed river.
Freshwater Science 32: 706-718.
小林草平, 赤松史一, 中西哲, 矢島良紀, 三輪準二, 天野邦彦 (2013)
陸水学雑誌74: 129-152.
小林草平, 竹門康弘, 角哲也, 冨阪和秀, 山崎友也, 米田格, 堤大三 (2013)
河川技術論文集 19: 147-152.
竹門康弘, 小林草平, 崔美景, 寺田匡徳, 竹林洋史, 角哲也 (2013)
河川技術論文集19: 519-524.
Kobayashi, S., Gomi, T., Sidle, R. C. and Negishi, J. N. (2013)
Distribution of amphipods (Gammarus nipponensis Ueno) among mountain headwater streams with different legacies of debris flow occurrence.
Ecohydrology 6: 117-124.
Kobayashi, S., Nakanishi, S., Akamatsu, F., Yajima, Y. and Amano, K. (2012)
Differences in amounts of pools and riffles between upper and lower reaches of a fully sedimented dam in a mountain gravel-bed river.
Landscape and Ecological Engineering 8: 145-155.
矢島良紀, 小林草平, 中西哲, 赤松史一, 三輪準二 (2011)
河川技術論文集 17: 191-196.
小林草平, 中西哲, 天野邦彦 (2011)
陸水学雑誌 72: 1-18.
Akamatsu, F., Kobayashi, S., Amano, K., Nakanishi, S. and Oshima, Y. (2011)
Longitudinal and seasonal changes in the origin and quality of transported particulate organic matter along a gravel-bed river.
Hydrobiologia 669:183–197.
Kobayashi, S., Akamatsu, F., Amano, K., Nakanishi, S. and Oshima, Y. (2011)
Longitudinal changes in δ13C of riffle macroinvertebrates from mountain to lowland sections in a gravel-bed river.
Freshwater Biology 56: 1434–1446.
小林草平, 矢島良紀, 中西哲, 赤松史一, 三輪準二, 天野邦彦 (2010)
河川技術論文集 16: 83-88.
小林草平, 中西哲, 尾嶋百合香, 天野邦彦 (2010)
陸水学雑誌 71: 147-164.
Gomi, T., Kobayashi, S., Negishi, J. N. and Imaizumi, F. (2010)
Short-term responses of macroinvertebrate drift following experimental sediment flushing in a Japanese headwater channel.
Landscape and Ecological Engineering 6: 257-270.
Kobayashi, S., Gomi, T., Sidle, R. C. and Takemon, Y. (2010)
Disturbances structuring macroinvertebrate communities in steep headwater streams: relative importance of forest clearcutting and debris flow occurrence.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 427-444.
小林草平, 中西哲, 藤原正季, 矢島良紀, 赤松史一, 天野邦彦 (2009)
河川技術論文集 15: 453-458.
Imaizumi, F., Gomi, T., Kobayashi, S. and Negishi, J. N. (2009)
Changes in bedload transport rate associated with episodic sediment supply in a Japanese headwater channel.
Catena 77: 207-215.
Kobayashi, S. and Kagaya, T. (2009)
Colonization of leaf patches at topographically different locations by insect shredders in a small mountain stream.
Limnology 10:143–147.
Kobayashi, S. and Kagaya, T. (2008)
Differences in patches of retention among leaves, woods and small litter particles in a headwater stream: the importance of particle morphology.
Limnology 9:47–55.
Kobayashi, S. and Kagaya, T. (2005)
Across-reach consistency in macroinvertebrate distributions among litter patch types in Japanese headwater streams.
Hydrobiologia 543: 135-145.
Kobayashi, S. and Kagaya, T. (2005)
Hot spot of leaf breakdown within a headwater stream reach: comparing breakdown rate among litter patch types with different macroinvertebrate assemblages.
Freshwater Biology 50: 921-929.
Kobayashi, S. and Kagaya, T. (2004)
Litter patch types determine macroinvertebrate assemblages in pools of a Japanese headwater stream.
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23: 78-89.
Kobayashi, S. and Kagaya, T. (2002)
Difference in litter characteristics and macroinvertebrate assemblages between litter patches in pools and riffles.
Limnology 3: 37-42.
小林草平, 角哲也, 竹門康弘 (2017)
京都大学防災研究所年報 60B, 765-774
小林草平, 角哲也, 竹門康弘 (2016)
京都大学防災研究所年報 59B, 508-516
小林草平, 竹門康弘, 角哲也 (2015)
京都大学防災研究所年報 58B, 448-457
粟津陽介, 小林草平, 角哲也, 竹門康弘 (2015)
京都大学防災研究所年報 58B, 527-539
小林草平, 竹門康弘 (2014)
京都大学防災研究所年報 57B: 561-569
小林草平, 竹門康弘 (2013)
京都大学防災研究所年報 56B: 681-529
Kobayashi, S. and Takemon, Y. (2013)
Long-term changes of riffles as habitat for benthic invertebrates in Kizu River, Japan.
Advances in River Sediment Research (Fukuoka et al. eds.) pp. 1721-1726
小林草平, 竹門康弘 (2012)
京都大学防災研究所年報55B: 537-545
Kobayashi, S., Masumoto, M. and Miwa J. (2012)
Problems of bedrock exposure and a trial to recover gravel-beds below a dam in Mountain Rivers
International Symposium on Dams for Changing World 2012
Kobayashi, S. and Takemon, Y. (2010)
Responses to Debris Flow Occurrence and Subsequent Long-term Changes of Microhabitats and Macroinvertebrates in Steep Headwater Streams.
International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2010: 948-949.
Kobayashi, S., Nakanishi, S. Oshima, Y. and Amano, K. (2008)
Longitudinal variation in physical characteristics and macroinvertebrate communities of riffles in the Toyo River, Japan. Advances in Hydro-science and engineering 8: 1908-1915.
Kobayashi, S. and Takemon, Y. (2007)
Effects of debris flow on in-channel sediment cover and habitat structure in steep headwater streams, Japan. The 5th Joint Seminar between Korea and Japan on Ecology and Civil Engineering, pp.125-128.
Kobayashi, S. and Takemon, Y. (2007)
Effects of debris flows on in-channel sediment deposits and habitat structures in steep headwater streams.
京都大学防災研究所年報50: 187-198.